Click on a position to read the description for that position.
Executive Board Positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Legislative Chair
Board Positions: Assistant Treasurer, Membership Chair, Communications Co-Chair-newsletter, Communications Co-Chair-online (website/FB), Fundraising, Building Leadership Team (BLT) Representatives (6th, 7th, 8th), Volunteer Chair, Co-Transportation (lead), Co-Transportation (equipment), Community Outreach Chair
Liaisons, Workgroups, Committees: Packs for Kids Co-Coordinators, Reflections Chair, Environmental Stewardship Liaison, Music Liaison, Special Education Liaison, English Language Learning Liaison, HCC Liaison, Staff Appreciation Workgroup, STEAM Fair Workgroup, Movie Night Workgroup, 8th Grade Promotion Workgroup, Nominating Committee
Executive Board Positions
The PTSA President sets the tone of cordial collaboration and provides guidance in creating partnerships within the school community and fostering an environment where parent involvement is encouraged and respected. For more information, view the National PTA’s online resources:
The President will play a lead role in:
- Unit organization
- Meeting Agendas
- Inclusiveness
- Elections
- Programs
- Member training
- Finances
More specifically, the president is responsible for:
- Organizing, setting, and planning priorities.
- Recruiting, managing, motivating, and retaining volunteers.
- Welcoming a diverse and inclusive group of members, volunteers and leaders.
- Running effective programs.
- Managing money and raising funds.
- Supporting membership growth and retention.
- Running effective meetings.
- Ensuring all voices are heard through effective use of parliamentary procedure.
- Advocating on behalf of students.
- Transitioning to the next leadership team by nurturing potential leaders and preparing the incoming team.
Vice President
The vice president may be called upon at any time to temporarily assume the place of the president; therefore, he or she should study the president’s duties and responsibilities and be familiar with the work of the PTA. In the event of the president’s resignation, the vice president assumes all duties until the president’s position is filled in accordance with the bylaws. Because a vice president is encouraged to be ready to assume leadership, he or she is encouraged to attend state PTA training and events, and be familiar with all PTA programs and resources.
The vice president is responsible for:
- Performing specific duties as provided for in the bylaws;
- Assuming responsibility for duties designated by the president; and
- Representing the president in his or her absence or upon request.
Vice Presidents should have the following information:
- Unit bylaws and standing rules
- Unit approved budget
- Minutes of at least the last six previous meetings
- Contact information for all officers
- Contact information for state PTA leaders
The incoming treasurer should discuss with the former treasurer the status of current fundraising activities, what money is available to be spent versus what is owed, and the bylaws as they relate to the treasurer’s responsibilities.
The treasurer is responsible for:
- Ensuring that the PTA’s financial records are reviewed according to the bylaws before assuming his or her duties;
- Ensuring three authorized signatures are on file at the bank for financial transactions; these signatures are usually that of the current president and treasurer, and one other officer as an alternate (no two check signers should be from the same household);
- Obtaining two authorized signatures on every check;
- Collecting all money from persons delegated to collect or to raise funds during a local unit activity, and providing a written receipt for those funds;
- Promptly depositing all money in the name of the local unit in a bank account approved by the board;
- Maintaining an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements;
- Obtaining authorization from the board before writing a check or spending money;
- Remitting, by check, all authorized bills and statements as prescribed in the bylaws;
- Submitting a written financial statement at each board meeting and at each general membership meeting;
- Chairing the Budget Committee and preparing the annual budget as prescribed in bylaws;
- Reporting income and expenses as compared with the budget;
- Ensuring an audit, financial review or compilation is done in accordance with the bylaws, state PTA requirements, and the PTA’s business practice;
- Preparing an annual report to be used to review PTA financial records; and
- If your unit is a 501(c)(3), ensure the filing of the PTA’s 990 report to the IRS.
The secretary is responsible for keeping an accurate record of the proceedings of association meetings. These records are the permanent history of the PTA. Promptness and accuracy are key to this job. The secretary also may be given the responsibility of maintaining all PTA correspondence, including incoming and outgoing communications with members and notifications for all meetings.
The Secretary:
- Sends out announcements for meetings (date and time)
- Sends out the agenda and any pertinent documents necessary prior to the meeting, including the draft of the minutes of the previous meeting
- Takes attendance (by voice vote or sign-in sheet) at the meeting
- Checks for quorum
- Presents the draft of the minutes of the previous meeting
- Takes minutes
- Counts votes
- After meetings, ensures the approved minutes are included in the permanent record of the association
The secretary should have these items on hand at all meetings:
- Minutes of the previous meeting and pertinent attached reports
- List of unfinished business to be discussed
- Agenda
- Current bylaws and standing rules
- Current membership list
- List of committee chairs
- Materials for note/minute taking
Legislative Chair
Chairs Committee, educates local leaders on advocacy opportunities, maintains regular contact with local legislative/advocacy chairs, conveys information between local units, Council and The School District.
Board Positions
Assistant Treasurer
1. Deposits Checks. During the fall Membership checks and Annual Fund checks will be coming in – up to 25 a week. It is important during October and November the Assistant Treasurer check the Treasurer’s box at least twice a week. After that, 2-3 times a month is sufficient.
The process for depositing checks is:
- a. Separate the deposits by type (Annual Fund, Membership, Other)
- b. Complete the deposit slips – PTSA and Homestreet Bank – for each type. The PTSA
- deposit slip requires a second signature. Co-signor should confirm total.
- c. Stamp the back of the checks.
- d. Photocopy the checks by type.
- e. Leave the PTSA deposit form and photocopies for the Treasurer in the Treasurer’s box.
- f. Deposits should be made at Homestreet Bank.
- g. Receipts should be given to Treasurer.
For the Annual Fund and the Membership checks, the Assistant Treasurer should maintain two spreadsheets with the following columns: Date Rec’d, First Name, Last Name, Amount Received, Purpose.
The membership and annual fund forms should be left in either the Membership Form envelope or the Annual Fund Form envelope for the appropriate chair to pick up. Initial receipt of the check on the form. If there is no form for a received check, indicate that on the spreadsheet and fill in the address next to the purpose on the spreadsheet.
2. Perform duties of Annual Fund Treasurer.
Work with the Annual Fund Chair to ensure all monies are tracked (checks, Paypal, matching) and balanced throughout the duration of the fund drive – balancing every two weeks is recommended. The Annual Fund Chair and the Asst Treasurer should use the same format to track payments. Asst Treasurer may be asked to assist providing needed information for matching companies.
Asst Treasurer may be asked to assist with tax letters. Tax letters should be distributed by December 31 and no later than January 15.
3. Perform duties as requested by Treasurer
Membership Chair
Chairs Committee, tracks and shares Council membership numbers, assists local PTAs in membership campaigns, conveys information between local units, Council and The School District.
Communication Co-Chair (Newsletter)
([email protected])
The Communications job includes two components that are generally shared between two people as co-chairs. The Communications Newsletter Co-Chair is in charge of the PTSA Jaguar News electronic newsletter and works closely with the Communications Online Co-Chair to maintain consistent communication of information. The Chair receives and compiles community and school news and prepares a the newsletter to be sent once per week via email, using MailChimp. The Chair works closely with PTSA President/VP and JAMS Administrative Staff to make sure the information is comprehensive and clean, in good order.
Communication Co- Chair (Online)
The Communications Online Co-Chair is in charge of maintaining and updating the JAMS PTSA website, which is a WordPress Site, and moderating and posting relevant news items to the JAMS PTSA Facebook page, Current Families of Jane Addams Middle School. This position works closely with the Communications Newsletter Co-Chair to maintain consistent communication of information.
Fundraising Chair
Heads up fundraising for the PTSA, including yearly JAMS GIVE BIG, which happens in the Fall.
Building Leadership Team Representatives (One per grade level)
6th Grade BLT Rep, 7th Grade BLT Rep, 8th Grade BLT Rep
The BLT Reps serve as liaisons between the PTSA and the BLT. They attend the BLT meetings (currently twice monthly). The BLT supports the school’s mission and promotes collaborative decision-making within the school. It is one of the decision-making bodies of the school, and addresses issues facing JAMS, including bell schedules, budget, Professional Development, behavior support and the Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP). It has a broad membership, including a school administrator and elected staff from various disciplines, as well as up to two parents and one student. The BLT representatives should reflect the diverse student population.
Volunteer Chair
The Volunteer Chair works closely with JAMS PTSA, JAMS ASB and Administrative office to coordinate volunteer needs throughout the school for various PTSA events, administrative needs and ASB sponsored events. This role may include:
- Recruitment of volunteers to fill PTSA event lead roles, ongoing volunteer positions and volunteers for special events; create database (Sign Up Genius) and coordinate with Ellen Pratt that all volunteer paperwork has been processed before volunteering
- Coordinating volunteers and leads for the following PTSA sponsored events: Back to School Potluck, Family Bingo Night, Mariner’s Night, Incoming 6th Graders Ice Cream Social, 8th Grade Promotion, PTSA General Meeting refreshments (detailed descriptions of these events are available)
- Coordinating, maintaining, and creating Sign Up Genius for ongoing volunteer needs: Library Volunteers, Lunch Room monitors (JAMS Administration team),Coordinating and creating Sign Up Genius with ASB Leaders for their volunteer needs: school dances, ASB sponsored events
- Coordinating volunteers and creating Sign Up Genius for one-time events at school: assistance in packing or unpacking books, picture day, last day of school party, teacher/student sporting events, lost and found donations
- Constant communication with JAMS administration staff of any needs they have for volunteers, and following through with requests
- Assist Traffic/Safety Coordinator with volunteer needs
- Assist STEAM Fair Coordinator with volunteer needs
- Coordinating volunteer needs with Communication Chairs to be included in newsletter, Facebook post, school website
- Maintaining PTSA closet and ensuring supplies for events are accessible and maintained (plates, napkins, silverware, etc.)
Co-Transportation Chair-lead
Co-Transportation Chair-equipment
The Transportation and Traffic Safety Chairs work with SDOT, JAMS admin, and the PTSA to help maintain safe traffic patterns and transportation procedures at Jane Addams. These roles are generally broken into the Lead and Equipment and include:
- Coordinating onsite volunteer crossing guards and traffic management
- Coordinating drop-off traffic flow for special events monitoring drop-off and pick-up routines
- Coordinating community education and awareness, including outreach through the leadership class for pedestrian and bicycle safety
- Coordinating safety efforts and education with Nathan Hale HS
- Advocating for infrastructure including sidewalks, painted crosswalks, intersection safety improvements, clearly painted, and marked bus zone from SPS and SDOT
- Maintaining equipment including directional signage, reflective cones, tall cones, and crossing flags, vests, and gloves
Community Outreach Chair
As a member of the JAMS PTSA Board, the Community Outreach Chair works to identify, lead, and promote activities that will result in greater justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) at JAMS. Such activities could include:
- Examining policies, practices, or funding decisions at JAMS or on the JAMS PTSA Board that may inhibit JEDI and proposing alternatives or modifications, as appropriate;
- Representing JAMS, as the its PTSA delegate to the SCPTSA meetings;
- Serving as a point of contact for current families, especially those who identify as BIPOC, LGBTQA+ or that include family members with disabilities (physical, cognitive, or learning) and relaying their concerns or feedback to the JAMS PTSA board for action, as appropriate;
- Liaising with feeder school PTSAs to listen and learn about the needs of incoming JAMS families, especially those who identify as BIPOC, LGBTQA+ or that include family members with disabilities (physical, cognitive, or learning), as well as, sharing his/her findings or proposing actions to JAMS PTSA to help address the needs of these incoming families, as appropriate; and/or
- Proposing training, workshops, or speakers on JEDI for the JAMS PTSA Board or the JAMS community, at large.
The JAMS Community Outreach Chair is also responsible for developing a proposal and budget for his/her activities over the course of her term. The budget may cover, for example, expenses related to meeting with families or other PTSAs (aka community organizing), including group meals/food, mileage, supplies, advertising, etc. or the cost of proposed trainings, workshops, or speakers.
Liaisons, Workgroup/Committee Leads and Chairs
Packs for Kids Coordinators: Organize weekly weekend food bags for kids.
Reflections Chair: Chairs Committee, disseminates information about and organizes the annual Reflections program with the local PTA units.
Environmental Stewardship Liaison: Supports responsible use and protection of the natural environment of the school/school grounds through conservation and sustainable practices.
Music Liaison: Handles the music students management for events, coordinating’ and facilitating communication between JAMS PTSA and FOJAM.
Special Education Liaison: Supports PTA leaders in issues related to special education within the school.
English Language Learning Liaison: Responsible for assisting the Limited English Proficient Students, and families in accessing any and all appropriate educational and community services needed to meet their current needs.
HCC Liaison: Responsible for coordinating and facilitating communication between JAMS PTSA the HCC Program.
Staff Appreciation Workgroup Lead: Responsible for curating and executing staff appreciation week event & activities.
STEAM Fair Workgroup Lead: Responsible for coordinating and executing STEAM fair at JAMS.
Movie Night Workgroup Lead: Responsible for collaborating, creating and executing movie night.
8th Grade Promotion Workgroup Lead: Responsible for coordinating with JAMS staff and Students to executing 8th grade promotion program.
Nominating Committee Lead: Responsible for creating and communicating PTSA open positions to local feeder schools, JAMS community and nominating new members.