Race & Equity

This page contains Race & Equity resources for families, including the school’s equity Resolution and information about JAMS Equity team meetings. This year’s Community Outreach Chair is Wai Wong-Miller. She can be reached [email protected].

JAMS PTSA Equity Resolution

A RESOLUTION of the Jane Addams Middle School Parent Teacher Students Associations (JAMS PTSA) to declare the explicit prioritization of equity in its service to ALL families of JAMS; and to declare the operationalization of said prioritization through coordinated support and leadership of JAMS PTSA members in the advancement of equitable access, membership, programming, collaboration, training, leadership, and governance of time, space and other resources within our school community and beyond;
Click here for full resolution.

JAMS Racial Equity Team for Community Learning

At this time in history, more than ever before, people are asking what they can do to help dismantle white supremacy and where to begin. Layla F. Saad’s answer: “ Begin with you and white supremacy.” Join the JAMS educators and other families as we begin to create the change within ourselves to affect our community. We will be examining Layla Saad’s book and how it relates to ourselves. We are looking to learn with all members of the JAMS community. “Create the change the world needs by creating change within yourself.” -Layla F. Saad.

Check back for 2022-2023 meeting dates and information about joining.

PTSA Meeting Resources

Undoing Racism and Teaching Equity. Speaker: Families of Color Seattle (10/11/21)
– Community Agreements & Common Language
– “What Is Systemic Racism?” 8-part short videos
– The Origin of Race in the USA video 
– Harvard Implicit Association Test

Roosevelt High School: Beyond Black and White. A Documentary Film about Race and Education

Anti-racism, Equity & Inclusion Resources

Jane Addams Middle School Equity Resolution
Seattle Public Schools (SPS) Black Lives Matters Resource Page
SPS Department of Racial Equity Advancement (DREA)
Resources for Talking with Children about Race and Racism
Anti-racism and Policing Resources for PTAs

Special Education/IEP Resources

Seattle Special Education PTSA
SPS Special Education Website
SPS IEP (Individual Education Program) Website